‘Spiritual Stuff’ shares dozens of sources to help you find spiritual teachers, channeled messages, near-death experiences, information on ascension, and more. It’s all about truth, fellowship, spiritual healing, and development to ‘be love, grow love, and give love!These are indeed exciting times in which we live especially when one considers the intense spiritual growth taking place on earth right now, supported by the many representatives of the Galactic Federation of Light, various councils of enlightened ‘ETs’ and others who wish to protect us, shine love and light on us, and help us ascend from 3D to 5D.

Here’s wishing you hope, peace, love, joy, and calming enlightenment on your journey!

Sources that have genuinely channeled God include Neale Donald Walsh’s ‘Conversations with God’ series, ‘A Course in Miracles’, Lao Tzu’s ‘Tao Te Ching’, Abraham Hicks, and the Seth material, as channeled through Jane Roberts. (God cited these sources in the ‘Channeling Erik’ podcast, ‘Interview with God’.)

The Edgar Cayce readings and remedies, based on the Akashic records, consist of thousands of health and life readings and answer questions about God, Jesus, life during Atlantis, and other periods in history, and a great deal more. This material deserves special recognition for helping so many learn, understand, heal, and grow over many decades. See more about Edgar and his amazing work in our blog honouring his impressive contributions to understanding life.

There are many dozens of teachers sharing their wisdom and stories through channeled messages to be found on podcasts including an impressive array of spiritual leaders and historical figures from varying walks of life along with notable personalities sharing messages and imparting heightened knowledge. Much can be gained from listening to personalities of note examine their lifetime on Earth from the heightened, broader perspective of their higher self or over soul, after going home as they explain soul contracts, purpose, emotions, actions, realities, events. etc. Such channeled interviews can be found on podcasts such as ‘Channeling Erik’ in which the mother of ‘Arch Angel Erik’, via a team of talented channelers who delve into topics and afterlife interviews with notables based on questions from viewers. ‘Chilling with Adam’ has another mother who is in contact via channelers with her deceased son, who facilitates communications with personalities, many from the field of arts and entertainment when last on Earth. Pamela Aaralyn is an incredibly talented, multi-faceted, evolved spiritual teacher, and conduit for much information, live channeling spiritual teachers and those from the past, present, and future. She is a very strong standout in her field. Alex Ferrari’s podcast, ‘Next Level Soul’, offers an exceptional wealth of spiritual-based interviews with an interesting mix of guests, some of whom channel, some who describe their amazing NDEs, and others who discuss all kinds of relevant metaphysical subjects. We are so impressed with this podcast we just had to devote an entire blog to Alex’s efforts. Jannecke Øinæs’ Wisdom From North podcast and Emilio Ortiz‘s podcast offer much of the same type of interviews and spiritual teachers. ‘Sam The Illusionist’ channels Arch Angels, extra-terrestrials, and more to provide answers to queries and especially warnings about events and more.

Other extraordinary psychic mediums and channelers include Elizabeth April who is astral travelling, remote viewing, channeling the Galactic Council, and others; Liz Cross is channeling and remote viewing personalities of note along with situations, collective energy, etc., in the past, present, and future, along with situations, events, digital currencies, vintage photographs, etc. Overall her sessions are extraordinary; Emmanuelle McIntosh is another very talented channeler with extraordinary clear communication with Jesus, God, Mary and a long list of personalities of note with much to say during their afterlife interview. She can be found on her own and other platforms (including the above-mentioned ‘Channeling Eric’ and ‘Chillin with Adam’).

The following is a list of channelers worth checking out: Franco A Romero, a Walk-in, channeling a collective consciousness known as Caleb, and author of ‘The Closet Spiritualist’; Anjie Hipple is channeling the ‘Judah Collective’ comprised of all her hundreds of past lives and the 9D Counsel of Nine; Darryl Anka who has been channeling Bashar, a Grey/Human hybrid from the future for over forty years and can be found doing just on many different platforms. Bashar’s race views humans as their ancestors as our DNA saved their failing race and wishes to repay us by sharing knowledge to prevent us declining his race did; Sheila Gillette has been channeling the collective known as Theo for several decades; Carla L. Rueckert channeled The Ra Material; Lee Caroll is channeling ‘Kryon of Magnetic Service’ as are others; Wendy Kennedy has been channeling The 9D Pleiadian Collective for decades and also talks using ‘Light Codes’; Tara Arnold and Geoffry Hoppe are separately channeling Saint Germain; Susan Geisman is channeling her group of guides and is another person to help one ease into the world of new truths as she herself was a high ranking Navy Commander, oblivious to channeling, before her step-daughter passed and began communicating with Susanne, which kicked of her awakening; Blossom Goodchild has been channeling the Federation of and Light and ‘White Cloud’ for many years. ‘White Cloud’ gave us the mantra, “I am the Light, I am the Love, I am the Truth, I am.”; Michelle Carpenter is channeling the ‘Council of 8’; Belinda Womak is channeling a group of twelve Arch Angels; Sara Landon is channeling ‘The Council’; Robin Jelinek is channeling Athena; Susan Lynn is channeling her group of guides (largely focusing on American politics, but also explores interesting non-political metaphysical topics on her ‘Way Out Wednesdays’ and ‘Wisdom on Wednesdays’ podcasts); Melissa Gates Perry channels Aralamb, see her Next Level Soul interview; and The Lady of the Forest 444 who is channeling angels and offers dozens of their uplifting messages. These are but a few of the awakened channelers with great podcasts offering lessons, guidance, and inspiring thoughts and information during the mass 5D awakening taking place on Earth.

Another impressive source of enlightenment includes the Delores Cannon material in the form of several books and videos. She was a hypnotist who amassed a wealth of knowledge during her 40-year career taking subjects into a deep state of hypnosis to reveal past lives on earth and in turn what life was like during certain periods. Her books cover Nostradamus, the three waves of volunteers to help bring about changes on Earth, ascension, and many more interesting topics. For those easing into the world of awakening and truths previously unknown to them, Delores is a wonderful stepping stone into deeper enlightenment. Read about Delores in our blog expounding her contributions.

Find hundreds of Near Death Experience stories that teach us so much about life on the Jeff Mara Podcast. There is much to be gained from listening to NDErs spiritual journeys and the lessons learned and insights as they recount crossing over. Their heightened awareness, and wisdom they bring back with them and the changes in their minds, bodies and spirits are most impressive and enlightening for all. In the field of NDE’s Jeff and Mara’s podcast is a definite standout, as described in our blog dedicated to sharing highlights of their efforts. They also do a show devoted to the paranormal every Saturday night.

There are many talented, intuitive astrologers hard at work sharing the meaning behind the various aspects in which we on Earth find ourselves such as Pam Gregory, a veteran astrologer, and wonderful communicator who thoroughly translates and explains the effects of our solar system on our planet and astrological signs during these exciting times of ascension with depth and clarity, as does astrologer, Andre Kahr, who often teams up with Linda G the Commanche Psychic to discuss the changing earth’s position influence on world and political events and players. 

The Facebook page for Spiritual Stuff shares inspirational quotes, stories, and images of love, acceptance, and healing, words of wisdom, insightful near-death experiences, and enlightening lessons learned from visiting the other side, and has just recently broadened its scope because of the pace at which people are waking up and are becoming more open to the vast knowledge connected with spirituality.

You will now find more reposts on channelers, NDEs, predictions. etc. If you wish to delve even further into such subjects as well as upcoming changes on earth, the ascension and all that raising vibrations of self and earth entails, future timelines, channeled messages from various above sources, psychic predictions, warnings, crop circles, NDEs, elementals, and extra-terrestrials of all kinds, check out the ‘Out There and Spirituality’ Facebook page. The “Out There” part does live up to its name as some of the posts can blow your mind, particularly from cosmic disclosure from podcasters such as ‘Sam The Illusionist’ and Elizabeth April, but overall, you will find posts imparting immense wisdom, loving guidance, knowledge, to inspire and strengthen you as you traverse the changing times and embrace ascension. Many of these sources will make you aware of the immense help we are getting from above, whether it is from well-known spiritual sources or from the many so-called ‘ET’s’, protecting us, teaching us and shining their love and light on us.